Rites Of MAn
Provides a powerful set of tools for men interested in the underlying forces that shape their lives.
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About The Book
The seventy topics in Rites of Man provide an opportunity to determine what you may need right now in your life to make your best decisions. As well as looking at positive qualities, the book addresses the shadow side of life, examining sensitive topics to stimulate thinking and inquiry into how you may have acted in the past, where you are now, and where you can change to make the most of your talents and opportunities.
Each one of us can take the helm at any point in our evolving lives. We can let go of all that no longer serves us and call in all that can take us forward toward greater freedom, peace, and happiness. Rites of Man, with its soon to be released deck of accompanying cards, is the perfect tool, gift, or resource for improving relationships, career, and quality of life.
What gives your life meaning and purpose?
What turns you on, fires up your spirit, or caresses your soul?
What encourages or inspires you to keep going when the chips are down?
What acts of leadership can you make today for the benefit of all?
Just for today, how can you be a man of peace?

What’s inside
‘By finding the cause of his anger, a man can respond to life more peacefully or purposefully, letting wisdom be his master.’
‘Freedom is a choice, a path, and an attitude toward life.’
‘A man’s purpose is written into his heart and soul.’
‘An authentic man is true to himself, to others, and a gift to the world.’
‘Love is the most potent and creative energy within a man as it arises from his heart and soul.’
The Cave
‘Time spent in his cave allows a man to rekindle his inner fire.’
Extract from The Wild Card
‘The Wild Card’ is all about You. It is about your one precious life, living your personal truth, your passion, and your purpose. It is about what turns you on, nurtures your spirit, and caresses your soul. It is about being happy and feeling successful. It is an affirmation, an invitation, and an inquiry into all that you love: the people, the places, the hobbies, and the causes dear to your heart. It is about remembering that life can be all too short to take it for granted, play small, choose to be a victim, or hide under a bushel. It is about showing up, shining your light, making a difference, and changing lives – yours, and those of everyone you meet. Life is waiting for you to grab it and live it fully – right here, right now.
We feed our hearts and minds just as we feed our bodies, either with junk food or organic delights to tickle our taste buds and enrich our spirits. The market stall for a great life is set up inside each one of us. It stands opposite a stall called ‘a lesser life.’ We are the owners and prospective customers of both. We get to choose which one we furnish, and which one we visit to purchase our daily dose of life. The stalls represent our thoughts, our beliefs, and our habits. They contain the different aspects of this book and deck. ‘The Wild Card’ is a bonus, a reminder that you can choose every day which stall to eat from. You can stick two fingers up at life in anger or two fingers and a thumb with a wry smile. You can make peace, forgive, share your talents, learn a new skill, help another, open your heart, remember your passion and drive, and go for your dreams. You can make love your purpose. We, humans, are here to do life together. . . if only we could grasp that. If we can, our lives can open up to new possibilities, and we can see the world very differently. Life can smell sweeter and feel like the great adventure that it truly is. The Wild Card is a calling to you: “Please live your best life now.”
- What truly inspires you and makes you feel vibrant and alive?
- What are you putting off for when you think you’ll be ready, have the money, more time, or the right circumstances?
- What can you do today to bring it a step closer?
- What do you need to let go of?
- What value can you add to the people and the world around you?
- How much kindness, joy, or adventure can you make happen?
- How will you make the most of this one wild, and precious day?
Acceptance, Anger, Authenticity, Balance, Balls, Belonging, Blessings and Gratitude, Brotherhood, Bullshit, Challenge, Choice, Commitment, Communication, Compassion, Conflict Resolution, Death, Emotions, Equality, Father Wound, Fear, Forgiveness, Freedom, Fuck it, Grief, Happiness, Hope, Identity, Integrity, Judgment, Legacy, Letting Go, Love, Money, Mother Wound, Passion, Peace, Power, Presence, Purpose, Relating and Relationships, Resilience, Respect, Responsibility, Sacred Masculine Divine Feminine, Self-Care, Service, Sex and The Phallus, Spirit, Strategy, Success, The Ancestors, The Cave, The Creator, The Elder, The Fool, The King, The Little Boy, The Lover, The Magician, The Path, The Rebel, The Saboteur, The Warrior, The Wild Card, The Wildman, Tolerance, Transformation, Truth, Vision, Vulnerability.

About the author.

My work is dedicated to supporting well-being, happiness, and quality of life.
I offer one to one sessions online or in-person to help you find peace, calm and inner clarity by getting rid of anxiety, self-doubt, trauma, and other blocks that stand in your way of living a fulfilling life.
I have featured on BBC Breakfast TV, BBC Radio and Channel 5 News.
I use all my experience to help you, as an Advanced Accredited EFT Practitioner and NLP Coach, and former Business Manager for The Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, the work of Dr. RobertHolden, to help you overcome any difficulties that stand in the way of your success and enjoyment of life.
I wish you every happiness and success.
Ian Lynch.net